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Apr 24, 2018

Just in time for sweeping new privacy regulations going into effect in Europe, we chatted with Kirsten McMullen, chief privacy officer of mobile ad firm 4Info, about the distinctions between the way government in Europe and the US treat privacy. In Europe, says McMullen, “I liken it to freedom of speech in the US;...

Apr 17, 2018

Kirsten McMullen has a tough job. As chief privacy officer and VP of compliance at mobile ad tech firm 4Info, she serves as an internal watchdog, helping to steer her company, one operating in the cut-throat, fast-paced and increasingly sophisticated world of consumer data, toward the best data privacy practices...

Apr 11, 2018

“How much better would the world be if there were many more women running companies?” asks Veda Hlubinka-Cook, founder of open information platform Factful. On this Credentialed Podcast BonusCast, she explains how her gender transition improved her cognition and management style, and discusses why the top...

Apr 6, 2018

On this Credentialed Podcast BonusCast, Veda Hlubinka-Cook, founder of open information platform Factful, suggests that the counter-cultural, queer legacy of the San Francisco Bay area, still present when she moved there in the ‘90s, has “been steamrollered over in large part because of the technology industry.”...

Apr 3, 2018

“Openness is a counterweight to the secrecy that powerful people use to subjugate us…. We have to pool our resources together, get the right team and go after it.” Veda Hlubinka-Cook does not mince words. An early pioneer of digital information infrastructure and trans technologist, Hlubinka-Cook co-founded...